[Lorien's ship docks. He and Sheridan are transported by elevator to the arrivals bay, where security are waiting to discover who is aboard. The door opens.]

Garibaldi: Well I'll be damned.


A meeting is in progress to gain support against Delenn and her fleet. They say she is driven by grief and loss. Lorien and Sheridan arrive and climb up to the bridge.]

Drazi Ambassador: Captain! We're sorry. We thought you were dead.

Sheridan: I was. I'm better now.

[Sheridan look ate Lorien who in turn nods back at him]

Sheridan: The ambassador is correct. I went to Za'Ha'Dum, I've seen the face of the enemy. They're not gods and they're not indestructible. I fought them and I've killed many of them,… and I've survived. There is a way out of this, a way to stop this insanity once and for all. Delenn's fleet is a start, now we have to build on it. Together we will form the largest fleet in history. Not just for a battle, but to change the shape of the galaxy. And not just for ourselves, but for our children, and our children's children. You tell your governments that the only man to survive Za'Ha'Dum sends this message. We can end this, not just for now, not just for the next thousand years but forever. I stand before you as proof that it can be done. We can fight and we can win, but only if we do it together. Can I count on you?

[The crowd murmurs agreement.]

Sheridan: Can I count on you? Will you stand together?

Crowd: Yes! Yes! Yes!

[The crowd cheers, and Delenn climbs the stairs to stand next to John.]

Delenn: I thought I would never see you again.

Sheridan: I will never leave you Delenn, not if the whole Universe stood between us.


[Sheridan explains the history of the Vorlon - Shadow conflict. Lorien looks on from a chair at the side. Also present are Michael Garibaldi, Dr Franklin, Delenn & Lennier]

Sheridan: When most of the first ones left, two of them, the Shadows and the Vorlons, stayed behind. Their job was to keep an eye on the younger races, help them along. But,… they couldn't decide or agree on what had to be done.

[We see Lorien, sitting, listening to Sheridan explanation of the course of events]

The Vorlons believe that strength comes through order & discipline. The Shadows believe in promoting evolution through conflict, starting wars.

Lennier: Those are diametrically opposite positions.

Sheridan: Exactly. Now, at first there was a balance between the two sides. They abided by rules of engagement, respected each others positions, but that changed over time.

[Sheridan cuts off quickly and looks over at Garibaldi, who is in turn staring at Lorien]

Something Mr Garibaldi?

Garibaldi: I just want to know who our new best friend is over here.

Sheridan: His name is Lorien. That's all you need to know.

Garibaldi: Yeah? Who decided that?

Sheridan: He did.

Garibaldi: Well, isn't that convenient.

Sheridan: Michael, what the hell is that? I told you I trust him.

Garibaldi: Yeah, I know, I know. Secrets on top of secrets, right? I'm getting too old for this stuff.

Lorien: [Laughs]

Garibaldi: What? That funny to you?

Sheridan: Lorien is,… older than he looks

[Lorien turns his head and stares at Garibaldi]

[Delenn rises from her seat and faces Sheridan]

Delenn: John, what I don't understand is, why the wars? Why the fighting? If each side agreed to respect the other,…?

Sheridan: Oh I don't know who started it first, but somewhere along the line they both decided that their way was the right way, the only way, and we've been caught in the middle ever since.

[Ivanova, Marcus and Lyta enter the room]

Marcus: Hello Captain.

Ivanova: Welcome back John.

[They hug]

Sheridan: Heh,… I heard you three went to Za'Ha'Dum after me. That was foolish and dangerous,.. but, I can't thank you enough for trying.

Ivanova: Listen,… I hate to bring this up at a time like this. It seems like every time we get good news, you guys coming back alive, there's always something that comes up smacks us in the head.

Delenn: What is it?

Ivanova: When Marcus and I were out looking for the first ones, we came across an Vorlon fleet hiding in hyperspace.

Marcus: Not dozens, not hundreds, but thousands of ships.

[Lorien leans forward, taking an interest]

A couple of them were three to four miles across. We tried to track them but we lost them somewhere around Sector 70.

Delenn: There's a Shadow base not far from there.

Ivanova: Exactly, so as soon as we got back I had C&C monitor that area for any transmissions, anything unusual. The Shadow base was located on a planet called Arcada Seven. It's not there any more.

Lennier: The base?

Lyta: No, the planet.

[Lorien leans forward even more, a look of worry crosses his face]

They destroyed,… they destroyed and entire planet.

Franklin: Lyta, there are over four million people on Arcada Seven,… you can't be serious.

Lyta: This latest incident, everything that has happened lately, it's convinced the Vorlons that their only alternative is to destroy the Shadows and anyone touched by them. Like an infection you have to cut it out.

Franklin: And any healthy tissue that gets cut out along the way, well that's okay because it's all for a good cause.

Sheridan: Since the Shadows are about to strike back anytime now, we're caught in the middle again.

Delenn: In Valen's name.

Garibaldi: We could barely stop the Shadows. How do we stop them and the Vorlons.

Lyta: I don't know. All I know is that unless you do stop them, it won't matter who wins and who loses, because none of us, not a single world in seventy light years, in any direction, will live to see it.

[We see Lorien again, as though lost in thought]