Picture of Bella


Hello my name's Bella welcome to my home page!

I am now a five year old Rhodesian Ridgeback, I used to have a friend called Bryn, but he is no longer with us.

I guess as a breed we are generally a bit tricky... we are one person dogs and we don't like strangers in our territory. If you are thinking about a dog for a pet, think hard about choosing a Ridgeback! I am quite obedient, I was trained at puppy classes, and I am very good off the lead, but get a liitle insecure around people I don't know. I'm not very good at being left alone, I am inclined to fret, and when I fret I start chewing, particularly kitchen rolls if I can find one! I do have some good points though I love travelling with Lyn and Andy in the car, I love going for walks but am also quite happy pottering around the garden and I love eating the bits of bread that the birds drop. I enjoy watching the horses in the field and the calfs in the barn next door - sometime I bark and make them jump a bit and I get told off!

I live with some friends and I am usually very good in the house with people once I am introduced to them. My best friend is Misha and although there is a big difference in our sizes we play - I chase Misha and she bites my legs! I quite like Marty, but not when he gets too near my food. There's a new arrival in the house now a white small thing who is totally unafraid of me and I like to play with her as well.

Here are some pictures of me with Marty as a kitten.

bella with marty as a kitten

Hope you enjoyed reading about me.