Hello my name's Marty welcome to my own personal web page!
This is me with my sister.
I have got a nice posh name it's Chandrakan Kesa and I was born in Devon on 10th May 96. My dad's name is Chandrakan Montakita (blue korat) and mum's name Chandrakan Sii Thao (blue P SH Korat type). I am told I may carry a chocolate gene, but it doesn't matter because I am a neutered pet cat. My pedigree includes some past champion Korats going back to my g.grandparents and g.g.grandparents. I am also very distantly related to Lyn and Andy's first ever Korat called Max - his posh name was Celebrin Dtahk Gadtaan (b.9.7.82). His dad was CH Celebrin Kwan Jai. I used to live with Kalli (Celebrin Kalaya b. 30.8.85) and Rikki (Celebrin Silver Ghost b.30.8.85) who were also blue korats and Max was their half brother.
This is a picture of Max when he was just a youth.
I am told that I look a lot like him, but I was never fortunate to meet Max.
My hobbies include eating, thinking about eating, listening for the sound of food, sleeping, and now and again have a'mad' with Misha and my new pal Dot - this strange looking white thing, and then eating again.....Lyn and Andy have to keep tight control of my food because I love it so much, but it's what makes me a big strong and extremely attractive cat with a soft blue coat.
I hope you have enjoyed reading about me and some of my friends.
We recently lost Kalli and Rikki within a week of each other to old age.....it never gets easier to lose a much loved pet.