Misha up a tree!


Hello my name's Misha welcome to my home page!

I live with Lyn and Andy I am a Korat, but not the usual blue colour, I am a Blue (Thai) Point.

My posh name is Chandrakan Urduta and I was born in Devon on 27 February 1997. My dad's name is Bikila Toderick (Tod to his friends) and my mum's name is Chandrakan Silver Lady. My mum and dad are blue korats - their breed number is 34, but at the moment I cannot be shown because I am deemed to be the 'wrong' colour, but I think that's what makes me so special and beautiful!

Misha with mum and siblings

This is my mum and my brothers and sisters, one of them is me but I'm not sure which one I am now!

I live with my half brother Marty - he is blue but his mum is a Blue (Thai) point like me, confused...... you will be. It's all about genes, but if you want to know more you will have to ask Andy, don't ask Lyn because she gets confused too!

My hobbies are climbing the curtains and walking along the top rail, lounging around in the sun and playing with Marty, and this new kitten thing.....I also like Bella the dog although she is much bigger than me!

Hope you'll visit me again. Bye for now Misha.

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