Title : Newton-Rapson (Graph) Programmer: Anthony J Doggett Calculator: TI-83 Date : Mar 97 Function : Solves formule using the Newton-Rapson method AND generates all the working for you! ClrHome Func Disp "Newton-Rapson","Method","A=B-C/D","Use X in Equ","Current",Str1 Pause Menu("Enter new Equ?","Yes",20,"No",21) Lbl 20 Input "Formula: ",Str1 Lbl 21 Input "Starting B:",B 1->P ("->" is the store button) DelVar _Nrp ("_" denotes a list, a small l on calculator) DelVar _Nrb DelVar _Nrc DelVar _Nrd String>Equ(Str1,Y6) ("String>Equ" is a function in the catelogue, "Y6" is under Vars, function menu) Lbl 10 Input "Max Iterations ",N If N <= 0 :Stop ("<=" is one sign under the TEST menu) For(I,1,N) B -> _Nrb(P) B -> X Y6(B) -> C C -> _Nrc(P) nDeriv(Y6,X,B,1e-6) -> D ("1e-6"= 1*10^6 = accurate) D -> _Nrd(p) P -> _Nrp(p) P+1 -> P B-C/D -> B If C<> 0 ("<>" = Not equal to sign (TEST menu)) End SetupEditor _Nrp,_Nrb,_Nrc,_Nrd ClrHome Disp "Use Editor" If C=0 : Then Disp "Final Result",B Else Disp "Result so far",B,"RT-Left",C End FnOff 6