The Dragon Lady



Apart from the my obvious interest in attempting to master more than the very basics of computer literacy, hence my first try at producing a web page (and struggling along with Windows 98 - it will not beat me), I love to read - almost anything - so have an ideal job.

My particular favourite category of book is Science Fantasy/Fiction enjoying most authors in this genre, though as can probably be guessed from the pictures on these pages I especially like books based on dragons - Anne McCaffrey’s being top of the list, closely followed by Tolkein.
Others categories I enjoy include forensic crime, horror and biographies. Though I will often read something completely different for a change, I have to admit, much to disgust of many of the female readers who use my library, I have never read a Catherine Cookson or a Barbara Cartland (I’m not paid enough to feel that obliged to vary my reading that much!).

Dawn at Minas Tirith

lord of the rings

Lord of the Rings Plates


The Anger of the Mountains

Tolkein Biography

Anne McCaffrey Home Page