I love using the internet for all sorts of reasons; study, making friends, curiosity and plain silliness. I'd like to share some of the important things in my life with friends and fellow web-surfers.

For those who don't know me in RL there's a bit about me.

Here I am, caught on camera, I'm a 53yr old Gay man, Out and Proud for 29 years now.

Among other things I belong to an organisation for Gay men called The Edward Carpenter Community or ECC Their philosophy is similar to that of the Gay Liberation Front in the '70s. I remember the excitement of those early days of the Gay Movement, so contacting ECC felt like coming home.

I have been a member of the Society of Friends for some years now. Many gay men and lesbians have problems at their local places of worship; happily the Society (more commonly known as Quakers) are welcoming and have a positive attitude to gay relationships.

To keep myself busy I am studying (slowly) for a degree in Technology with the Open UniversityThis is expensive and hard work, but a lot of fun.

On a totally different note, I enjoy studying railway history and making scale models. I dabble in 2mm Finescale; something like N Gauge, but with accurate track and wheels. It sounds like a lot of work, but it is enjoyable and the 2 mm Scale Association provide all the awkward bits, so you don't need a lot of precision tools to get started.

One of my favourite places on the whole internet is the newsgroup alt.cuddle. It's not a special interest group, just a place for fun and relaxation, friendship and support. It has developed into a whole world of its own, populated by all sorts of wonderful creatures.

Take a look at the Cuddle Pages and if anyone asks, say that GreyBear sent you.

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Please e-mail me if you want more information on anything here.