Recipient-Hiding and Related Properties for Public Key Encryption
Appendix - formal proofs

Proof of Lemma 1:
No adversary can have a greater advantage than Aopt, defined by:
Aopt.guess(r1, ..., rN) = 1, if ri in S1 \ S0 for some i = 1..N
= 0, otherwise
This follows from the fact that:
When b = 1:
Pr[ri in S1 \ S0 for some i] = 1 - (|S0| / |S1|)N
< 1 - (1-u)N
< N.u (because (1-u)N > 1 - N.u)
When b = 0:
Pr[ri not in S1 \ S0 for any i] = 1
Therefore Pr[Aopt.guess(S0, S1, N) = b] < (1/2.N.u) + (1/2.1)

I.e. Adv(Aopt, S0, S1, N) < 2.(1/2.N.u + 1/2) - 1
= N.u

So Adv(A, S0, S1, N) < N.u for any A, because Aopt is optimal.

Proof of Lemma 2:

Proof of security of BRH-DHAES against Chosen Plaintext Attack:

Proof of security of BRH-DHAES against Non-Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Attack:

Proof of security of BRH-DHAES against Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Attack:

David Hopwood

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