"Nothing - just played."  (Shrug of shoulders).  Does this sound familiar?

A number of parents who visit the school regularly are able to translate this noncommittal answer into a more accurate description of what their offspring have been up to during the day.  They are the intrepid band of volunteers who help in classes throughout the school.  I have been doing this once a week for over two years, since my daughter joined a Reception class.  I don't claim to speak for anyone else who helps in a class, but my experience might interest some of you and may even persuade you to come and try it for yourselves.

Firstly, I can assure you that no special skills are required - just willingness and flexibility.  Most of the time the teacher asks me to work with a small group, or an individual child, but sometimes general clerical help is needed.  Some of the activities I have helped with are:

* making collage pictures
* planting sunflower seeds
* drawing and cutting out silhouettes
* listening to individual children read
* making a papier mache tree
* using the library
* sticking coloured labels on classroom reading books
* making bar charts showing the childrens' favourite food
* drawing pictures on the computer
* covering pots with shiny paper and sticky-backed plastic (with acknowledgements to Valerie Singleton!)

Secondly, it doesn't matter if you can't come into school on a regular basis.  Any additional help is of real value to the children and the teachers.  The occasional offer of help is much appreciated, especially for outside trips.

What will you get out of it?  Apart from the satisfaction of being "really useful" you will:
* get to know all the children in your child's class
* get to know your child's teacher
* have a better idea about how school works and what the children do
* put to good use any specific skills you have eg IT knowledge
* possibly develop some new skills!