(A Lyrical Solo Ballad by Jenn Erickson & Michael Lehr)

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Yet another excellent set of lyrics developed from the Christian Songwriters Group. This really does need a strong singer with a wide vocal range to do it justice as written. There is, however, a version a tone lower, in which I have modified the first two lines to suit those with a (slightly) more limited range. You can hear a MIDI of that by clicking here.

I’d really like to hear a great singer tackling this, but no takers to date!

Download the sheet music and related midi files in “zipped” format (34Kb)?

I’ve been asked quite frequently for a full piano accompaniment for this song, and I've at last got around to working on it. It's based on the acoustic guitar part of the original MIDI, but still needs further refinement. However, I've included the music in its current state at the bottom of this page, from where it can be downloaded.

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Lyrics (by Jenn Erickson)

I was not made a butterfly
To flit and float across your sky,
To flirt with worry and with strife,
Let doubt or fear into my life.
Tossed by every blowing wind
Of pleasing words or false doctrine,
Tiny and frail, and easily led -
This could have been, and yet instead ...

An eagle’s wings you’ve given me,
A mountain view, a path to see,
A call to climb to greater heights
To fly by faith and not by sight.
A piercing gaze, a steady eye,
A glory crown, a victory cry.
I have also a fortressed nest;
The Rock, the tower of your rest.

I praise you, Lord, for peace in me
And for your whisper, “... soar with Me.”

© 1998 Jenn Erickson

Below is a draft piano accompaniment for this song. Many of the left-hand leaps are virtually unplayable, but a reasonable pianist should be able to make the necessary adjustments. I'll post a full revision that I know is playable in due course!

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