WAYKIS bring you an impression of the sounds and rythms of the Andes, both the traditional and contemporary, evoking the mystery and emotion of Peru. The band will take you on a musical journey with a variety of textures and rythms, reflecting musical styles found not only in Peru but throughout South America.WAYKIS promote the music and culture of Peru and South America through musical performance, community events and education. They appear annually at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and regularly perform with freelance musicians as a group of four or five members, playing traditional, contemporary and dance music. WAYKIS have recently returned from a trip to Japan.
WAYKIS (pronounced 'y-keys') is derived from the word 'brothers in Quechua, the language of the Incas, widely spoken in the Andean highlands. The brothers come from Cusco (qosqo), the cultural centre of Peru in the heart of the Andes. As well as performing they make their own instruments with skills passed down from their father, a professional instrument-maker. The brothers have performed since they were young. One of the most significant events for the young artists was their participation in, and musical direction of, the famous Inca fesival of Inti Raymi (Festival of the Sun), in 1986 and 1987. In 1989 they recorded the sountrack for The myth of the Inkari - Origin of the Incas, a documentry type video, in which Francisco appeared in the role as the first Inca. The film was an award winner in the Margaret Meade festival in New York and was released in Spain in the early 1990's.
Francisco was director of music for the festival of Inti Raymi from 1986-87.
He specialized in guitar at the Institute of Music in Cusco (gratuating
with a teaching qualification), and regularly gave concerts, both traditional
and classical (including his own compositions). Since coming to Britain
in 1991, Francisco has worked with the BBC on various occasions, including
participation in a Quechua music and language program and a number of radio
broadcast performances. He appeared in the role of the Last Inca, Atauallpa,
in a film for TV.
ZAMPONAS, ANTARAS, QUENAS (panpipes & Andean flute); percussion Gabino
also studied guitar at the Institute of Music but his first insruments are
the panpipes and quena which he began playing at the age of eight. He began
performing at twelve years and is an accomplished player. Since coming to
Britain in 1991, he has appeared TV and radio programs.
Victor graduated at the Institute of Music and subsequently became a teacher
there. He toured as a solo guitarist, performing in concerts throughout
South America. Victor also participated in the festival of Inti Raymi. He
was musical director of a number of folk groups and first came to Britain
to perform in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival '95
For further information contact :
ANDENES PRODUCTIONS/ Palominos-- mobiles (0850) 291182 & (0411) 280326
CD Album Inca Gold
A new album is currently being recorded, it should be available soon.