W elcome to my SouthPark site, although this website

is new i will soon be updating it, if you have

any files to do with SouthPark, which

are not present on this site but deserve

to be here, send it to me and i will put

it on my page,if you

wish i will write "sent in by:(your

name here) in the description.


When I update this site i will have:

A Guestbook (Please sign it)

A Chatroom (Talk to other SP fans).

Other Projects

I really want to start on a Simpsons website

but i haven't got any Simpsons things

if anyone wants to help, i can Compile the

HTML and Java and some of the graphics

and anyone helping could supply the Simpsons

images, sounds etc and we would both

get equal credit for the webpage, if you

are interested e-mail me. I am also

in the middle of a Beavis&Butt-Head

webpage called Beavis and Butt-Head Do The Net.

If you want help with your webpage web page

e-mail me and tell me what you want doing and

what's on your webpage.

You are the rd\th\nd person to visit the coolest 100% unofficial SP site on the net.

W elcome to my SouthPark site, although this website

is new i will soon be updating it, if you have

any files to do with SouthPark, which

are not present on this site but deserve

to be here, send it to me and i will put

it on my page,if you

wish i will write "sent in by:(your

name here) in the description.


When I update this site i will have:

A Guestbook (Please sign it)

A Chatroom (Talk to other SP fans).

Other Projects

I really want to start on a Simpsons website

but i haven't got any Simpsons things

if anyone wants to help, i can Compile the

HTML and Java and some of the graphics

and anyone helping could supply the Simpsons

images, sounds etc and we would both

get equal credit for the webpage, if you

are interested e-mail me. I am also

in the middle of a Beavis&Butt-Head

webpage called Beavis and Butt-Head Do The Net.

If you want help with your webpage web page

e-mail me and tell me what you want doing and

what's on your webpage.

You are the rd\th\nd person to visit the coolest 100% unofficial SP site on the net.