Dogs I have looked after.
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SAM (Samantha in full)
Overweight but lovely to look after 

She was a delight to look after

He comes to stay next door - so I walk him for them. 

A pedigree West Highland Terrier.
I looked after her twice last year and once this year 
and enjoyed it.

The first dog I 'cared' for 

Our family dog. Jack Russell
Butch was a clever little dog who loved to fetch things for us.
His favourite was fetching shoes & slippers and amazingly he
got the right shoe AND the matching one.

The first dog I 'cared' for.
She was rescued by her present owners as a stray. 

Another rescue dog. She was very afraid of men,
So I worked with her in curing her of that.
She is now a lovely dog.

KIM & GEMMA (in that order)
Recent additions to the to the dog sitting circle.
Different owners but became firm friends while here.