Hello World! and welcome to my home page. |
My name's Andrew (you may have guessed that already!). I hail from Ramsbottom, Lancashire, in the U.K., I am also an accomplished Lager drinker! (just thought you'd like to know). Anyway, once again welcome, please take time to peruse these pages and feel free to e-mail me with any comments you have about this site.
My main interests are drinking lager mouthwash, quaffing large amounts of red wine, listening to music, playing bass guitar, and messing with computers (not necessarily in that order!). For quite a number of years I've played in various bands covering many flavours of music, from Punk to Jazz Funk!. I currently play in a band called 'Well Said' whose music is quite difficult to categorise (as we write most of our own material), however we have 'covered' bands such as the 'Pasadenas', 'Level 42' and. To see the page dedicated to 'Well Said' just click on the link to the top left. |
I'm also including in my pages a new addition to my family, that is Olivia Sarah, my little bundle of joy - Born April 29th 1998, (suppose I'll have to include my better half too!, - that's Linda on the left). Follow "The Family" link on the left menu bar.
As I'm a music "nut" I'm including a page with the best links I've found to date concerning anything music related; bands, instruments, etc. If you can recommend any music related links I've missed, then feel free to e-mail me with them and I can add them to my page, cheers.
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 Visitors since 21/3/98
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Design, code & graphics by Karl Moore, Copyright & copy; 1997,1998 Updated - 07/98