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Prose #2 The Busy, Little Island

The crowded boat arrives in the snug, welcoming haven where all is calm from the choppy sea outside. It's powerful engine turning slower and slower, it moves alongside of the short pier.

Battered vans await the boat with busy people bustling about getting important food and intriguing mail for the long week ahead.

In the distance the dominating lighthouse is blasting out its long drawn out hoots. The pitted road winds into the wild windswept hills with a lone white house. The amazing windmills stand proud turning slowly round.

A humming comes to the air. A small plane takes off and flies over like a graceful bird and vanishes into the distance. There's a commotion on the peaceful water, a flapping and a squaking as a fishing boat throws scraps over the side.

As I walk down the narrow road I come to a majestic, gurgling waterfall pouring into a steep gorge. I see a small tranquil village nestled into the valley with a small shop and post office hidden from the harsh winds.

By Adam 200600