Essential Oils from the same group; I.E. Flowers, are said to blend well together as well as to those in the groups immediately adjacent. This is more true when creating natural perfumes, but for Aromatherapy, this is only part of the story. As in Aromatherapy you are seeking to impart the healing qualities of the individual oils, and in blending you are trying to impart the therapeutic qualities for treating the condition and more importantly the person.

Thus if the best oils suited to that individual person and the condition, are a Spice oil, a Flower oil, and a Herb oil, then that is the blend that should be utilised. Often when blending oils from different and non adjacent groupings will require greater concentration of oils to produce the full therapeutic effects that are being sought.

Frequently a recipe will need to be adjusted to suit the individual person and the needs of the condition. Don't be afraid to experiment with blending of oils, and don't worry about sticking exactly to a given recipe. As an example a person with fair skin using a blend that has citrus oils in, my need the quanity of citrus oils reduced when a person with darker skin will not have the same photo toxic effect that citrus oils can induce.

Most of all using and blending Essential oils is a wonderful experience to be enjoyed and shared.





© Ian Hunter 1998

HUNTER'S Hand Made