Index of Photographs
This is an index of full size images and will take considerably longer than the thumbnails index to load.
Cis and Harold Colloff; Summer 1956, Geoffrey's parents.
Hilary Colloff; Geoffrey's daughter.
Geoffrey's very good friend who was nearest to him when he died, Mrs Marcia Lizza.
Geoffrey on his last visit to England, December 1993.
Geoffrey Offers Sweets to Lizzie, December 1993.
Geoffrey Feeds Sweets to Lizzie, December 1993.
Annette Colloff, Geoffrey's Sister in Law .
John Colloff, Geoffrey's Brother .
Apartments on Seminary Drive where Geoffrey lived for 20 years
The cottage where Geoffrey lived during the Manchester 'blitz.
The School in Malvern that Geoff and his Mother had attended.
The School in Manchester that Geoff attended 1943 to 1950.
The Garden of Remembrance at the Crematorium, Manchester, England; where Geoffrey's ashes were scattered over those of his parents.
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Page maintained by John Colloff, Copyright(c) John Colloff 1997. Created: 13 March 1997 at 23:54:09 Updated: 28/03/97 at 12:33:19 PM