Original posting 21 May 96
Site created 8 June 96
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ltWebneurons Reception
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Short Introduction WebTechs Mozilla checked W3C Wilbur checked

The main goal of webneurons is to develop a usable, better way of 'programming' computers.

A webneuron network or "weblet" is based strongly on the way the brain works, and the concept of a software neuron. It combines the features of hyperlinking, standard programming methods and neural networks, but with no linking restrictions. Such a system would be possible at any level of computing but for a quick solution on the Web, extended HTML pages may be good building blocks.

A webneuron, in this case, would be an HTML page with extensions that enable it to form the basis of a real programming system.

These extensions have to be interpreted. Work has to be done to implement this. It is hoped that when completed it will be possible to bring intelligence to the Web in a more integrated, simple, and flexible way than other methods such as JAVA.

It is believed that webneurons have the ability to replace conventional programming languages and could duplicate any neural network. In addition they should be able to model any n-dimensional curved space due to their ability to have an unlimited number of incoming and outgoing links.

A more complete introduction could include looking at the pictures and having a quick browse through the main topics page, and maybe the original posting. Please see above links.