<CENTER><TABLE BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=3 ALIGN=> <TR> <TD> <A HREF="chair.htm">From the Chairman</A> </TD> <TD> About the A of A </TD> <TD> <A HREF="library.htm">Library</A> </TD> <TD> <A HREF="whatson.htm">What's On</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <A HREF="problems.htm">Fishy Problems</A> </TD> <TD> <A HREF="links.htm">Aquatic Links</A> </TD> <TD> <A HREF="mailto:aofa-sec@zetnet.co.uk">e-mail</A> </TD> <TD> <A HREF="utils.htm">Utilities</A><BR> <A HREF="news.htm">Association of Aquarists News</A> </TD> </TR> </TABLE></CENTER>

About the A of A

The Association was formed in 1982 when a group of well-known aquarists got together to create a new organisation for the hobbyist. All areas within the hobby are catered for with an interesting and informative attitude for the beginner and the experienced hobbyist alike.

Our aim is to fully co-operate with all aquarists, clubs, societies and specialist groups in the mutual benefit of giving and exchanging experiences within our hobby.

We have a vast reservoir of expertise available to our members through our comprehensive list of lecturers, slide and tape programmes and videos, these being ideal for the individual member.

For the societies interested in showing, we have judges throughout the country who are able to judge at open shows, wherever the location in the UK. We supply award cards and exhibit labels, judging sheets, along with special diplomas for those exhibits which show outstanding qualities.

For the exhibitor we have a Standards book with constantly updated size guides so you can see how big your pet fish should grow to. Amongst our publications are:- Aquatic Plants, Barb Book, Furnished Aquarium And Catfish Books one and two, plus many new books in the pipeline. A really helpful book to have is the Scientific to Common Names of all our fishes.

As a potential Association member you may require our lapel badge or a smart sticker for your car. Our quarterly meetings are well attended and are moved to different locations around the country so that everyone has a chance to attend. But when you feel you cannot make it, our quarterly magazine will keep you up to date with all the happenings in the Association.

There are many events in the Association's calendar including the Superbowl competition and a major Convention with guest speakers.

Your club or society may wish to join us and you can also join as an individual member. We are the only non specialist association that caters for the individual.

We all hope that you will want to become a member of our expanding organisation so, with our help, we can make your hobby even more enjoyable.

Chris Ralph - Chairman

Membership details

Membership runs for one year from the date your application is processed. You are sent with the new member's pack a membership card, a current magazine plus information on fishkeeping and fishkeeping products. Four quarterly Association of Aquarists Magazines are sent with any other information available at the time.

The magazine usually contains the following regular items :

The Association has a good Sales and Publications department with new publications being added every year.

If your society has a newsletter why not exchange with us? contact the Editor for a sample copy

For the individual member we have many videos on fishy subjects plus audio tapes for loan at only the cost of post and packing. For the society we have Tape/slide shows and quizzes plus the videos.

The Association holds many events throughout the year, often in conjunction with other organisations and societies. The quarterly meetings are held around the country at member society venues. The society puts on some form of fishy entertainment, so they are a great day out and a chance to meet old and new friends.

From January 1st 1998 the subscriptions will be as follows, individual £7.00 joint £8.50 societies £10.00 per year.

David Davis
Membership Secretary
2 Telephone Road
Tel: 01705 798686

If you would like to know more about the association, write to Dave Davis, or if you prefer, use the email link and we will see that it reaches Dave. Please include your name, address and email address. Alternatively, you can telephone him or any of the following :

Chris Ralph (Chairman) 01256 363220
Geoff Hobson ( Secretary) 01256 467889
Geoff Hobson Editor 01256 467889
<CENTER><A HREF="chair.htm">From the Chairman</A><BR> <!-- <A HREF="about.htm">About the A of A</A><BR> --> <A HREF="library.htm">Library</A><BR> <A HREF="whatson.htm">Whats On</A><BR> <A HREF="problems.htm">Fishy Problems</A><BR> <A HREF="links.htm">Aquatic Links</A><BR> <A HREF="mailto:aofa-sec@zetnet.co.uk">e-mail</A><BR> <A HREF="utils.htm">Utilities</A><BR></CENTER><A HREF="homepage.htm">Homepage</A>