Andy Roberts Music | Mp3s | Circa 2000

Minute by

Streaming video project
( see below )

Andy Roberts' head

Making music, particular guitar and singing, has been a passion of mine since my early teenage years. More recently, I have been able to combine this interest with the use of internet technology, such as digital editing, compression to mp3, animation and even film. In the coming months I shall be writing a series of original pieces for guitar, saz, lute and vocals which will then be recorded at Waterhouse Studios, Stratford and produced for audio CD as well as internet delivery.  For the latest news   see the Andy Roberts Music page on Andy's blog or the Andy Roberts lifestream

Treble Clef for Andy Roberts Music

Minute by Minute was a Streaming video project which produced a website containing 24 short videos shot on location in Newham.   For this I recorded 3 songs at Waterhouse Studios, Stratford.

You can hear those songs in mp3 format here
mp3Standing By (2,2 Mb)   mp3Thankyou Mr Hubble (2.0 Mb) and Mondura Dam (1.3 Mb)

For more information about my 3 films and to view them go here: Andy Roberts Minute by Minute

The full 24 films and minute by minute website are viewable now only on desperateoptimists' site




my tribute to George Harrisonmp3

1943 - 2001


I am a member of an email community called "Stormcock" which was set up for fans of the veteran singer/songwriter Roy Harper and his talented son Nick Harper, and there are many talented amateur musicians who are members also.

In July 2001 it was Roy Harpers 60th birthday and a special concert was organised, over a year in advance, for the Royal Festival Hall, Southbank, London.

As many of the members of the mailing list would be travelling to London for this weekend it was decided to organise our own party the night before the concert, so that we could all meet up "in real life" and take the opportunity to perform our own music to a captive audience of fellow Harperphiles. (pictures)

In spite of the lack of electricty, the evening went very well and the performances were somehow all recorded and later burned onto CD. Here I have taken the three songs which I played, converted the sound to MP3 and then imported then into Flash so that the result can be listened to without having to wait for a long download to finish.
Andy Roberts Music at minutebyminute
1. Mozambique
2. Down Drinking at the bar
3. Wrecked again
Of course, whether you will be able to listen to an entire song the first time without the occasional pause while you wait for the streaming to catch up depends on the speed of your connection, but it just about works OK on my slow adsl line ( 112kbs ). When you've heard a complete song once, the music should be saved in your cache and simply reloading the page should replay the music staright through in one go.



My older Mp3s - low quality recordings


* The first is called "Mondura Dam" , and is an original composition. I recently re-recorded this to inprove the sound quality

* Next is a cover of a Roy Harper song called Evening Star . guitar picture

* A cover of a song called Book in it(1.2Mb) by "The Dharmas", a young band which I enjoyed seeing live a few times . They are now defunct but the leading lights have reformed as Steadman.the saz

* I made the soundtrack for this NYPOnline promotional video

* The instruments pictured on the right are examples of the Turkish SAZ and this is what mine sounds like(100k).

* San Francisco this is sung in french.

* Postcards an old favourite by Michael Chapman

* Primrose Hill by Loudon Wainwright. I went to Primrose Hill yesterday for the first time, came back and recorded this song.

* Click Here to go to the page of the Chinese Lute , lute which you can hear and play ( requires Flash player )

Andy Roberts Music on a boat
'Narrowboats' - music on the canal



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