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Flight Park

Airways Flight Park

click to enlargeAirways Flight Park is sited on an old airfield near Ashbourne, Derbyshire. It provides an ideal location for towing hang gliders and paragliders, with the surrounding countryside providing good opportunities for cross country flying.

The Flight Park is also ideal for flying paramotors and powered hang gliders, and is large enough to comfortably accommodate all methods of getting into the air at the same time! The long fields and configuration of the Flight Park means that regardless of the wind direction, you should be able to fly, thus increasing your chances of getting into the air. click to enlarge


How To Find Airways Flight Park

From Ashbourne:

Airways Flight Park is located just off the A515, about 3 miles south of Ashbourne. Look out on the left for the Darley Moor Race Track. The turning for the Flight Park is half a mile further on, on the left, signposted to “Yeavely”. The Flight Park operating areas are on both sides of this road, within 100 metres of the A515, so keep your eyes open for the winch. Drive through the gate and follow the track to where the other cars are parked.

For a map click here

Approaching from the south:

Take the A515 towards Ashbourne. When you are 4 miles south of Ashbourne, start looking out for a small tuning on the right, signposted to “Yeavely”. If you spot the Darley Moor Race Track on your right hand side, you have gone too far! Take the road to Yeavely and the Flight Park operating areas are on both sides of this road, within 100 metres of the A515, so keep your eyes open for the winch. Drive through the gate and follow the track to where the other cars are parked.

For a map click here


Turn Up and Fly

We have a range of hang gliders, powered hang gliders and paramotors for hire per flight or by the day. This is handy if you just want to drop in and fly and is ideal for testing out gliders if you are thinking of buying a new wing. If you want to try out a specific glider or motor, it is best to give us a ring a couple of days beforehand so we can ensure we have what you want.


Cross Country Retrieve Service

Our retrieve service takes the worry out of going cross country especially if you are just embarking on your first cross country flights. The cost for this service is based on how far you fly!



Airways, 9-10 St. Annes Square,Market Place,Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 6EA, Tel: 01298 23021, Fax: 01298 23319,