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I've not seen attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion, but I HAVE seen Jeff Minter's rude bits in a sauna!

Any feedback, suggestions, or job offers to run medium-sized satirical organisations to: cih(at)atari(dot)org

RECENTLY UPDATED - Little bits and pieces, some more news on the emulation subsite, pending a proper update, also the Geek pages have had new things added to them. Oh, and I've lobbed a couple of new bits onto the Ascii-Nation page as well!

TO DO SOON(ish) - Tidying up the links page, lots to go in, a fair bit to come out.. Also some further additions to the screengrab gallery, no many many additions to the screengrab gallery, turn your back for a few months, and people go and release loads of stuff..

Copyright © CiH/Chris Holland - 2000 right through to 2007, you lucky, lucky people...

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